Bioarchaeology in Croatia I

Anna Osterholtz, Mississippi State University

This is an intensive osteology and bioarchaeology lab methods course in Croatia offered in cooperation with the Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb. This is[...]

Mortuary Archaeology Field School in Giecz, Poland

Dr. Mandy Agnew

The Mortuary Archaeology Field School in Giecz, Poland is accepting applications for the summer 2020 field season. Site Gz10 is an inhumation cemetery dating to[...]

Digging anthropology in the Sanisera Necropolis (Menorca – Spain)

Sanisera Archaeology Institute

The Sanisera Archaeology Institute for International Field Schools offers an annual archaeology dig on the island of Menorca, off the coast of Spain. Since then[...]

Somaliland Forensic Anthropology Field School, January 2020


From January 11th to February 07th, 2020 Join EPAF in the exhumation and analysis of bodies from mass graves during this intensive 4-week field school.[...]

Olduvai Gorge Paleoanthropology Field School 2020

Charles Egeland

Under the auspices of the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, this program will provide young scholars with an exceptional study abroad experience at one of the[...]

Transylvania Bioarchaeology 2019 – Jucu de Sus Field School

Kori Lea Filipek

Transylvania Bioarchaeology, in collaboration with the Romanian Institute of Archaeology and Art History (Cluj-Napoca), are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for[...]

NOMAD Science Bioarchaeology and Conservation Field School

Dr. Julia Kate Clark

The illegal looting of ancient burial sites has become a big problem in Northern Mongolia. During the summers of 2017-18, the NOMAD Science team witnessed[...]

Bioarchaeology of Children – Juvenile Osteology Research Laboratory Workshop (Transylvania, Romania)

Dr. Jonathan Bethard (USF)

The aim of this project is to evaluate to what extent and how these major political events (such as the medieval collapse of the Eastern[...]

Summer 2019 NSF-REU Site: Bioarchaeology of Bronze Age Social Systems

Jaime Ullinger and Lesley Gregoricka

We are pleased to announce a new National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU) opportunity, sponsored by NSF, the University of South Alabama[...]

Bioarchaeology Field School in Ecuador

Nicole Jastremski

Central Washington University is excited to announce that applications for its Bioarchaeology Field School in Ecuador are available at The field school will be[...]

Bioarchaeology field school in Iran

Joanna Szymczak

The field school is a joint project of the University of Kashan (Iran), Iranian Center for Archeological Research (ICAR) and the University of Warsaw (Poland)[...]

Forensic Anthropology/Bioarchaeology Field School in Albania and Romania; May 14-June 6, 2019

Thomas A. Crist, Ph.D.

Albania’s magnificent archaeological site at Butrint National Park is one of two primary locations for Utica College’s 16th annual Forensic Anthropology/Bioarchaeology Field School course, which[...]

Forensic Archaeology Field School – summer 2019

Dr. Tanya Peckmann

Hello Please find attached a poster for a 1-week Forensic Archaeology course for summer 2019. The course is being offered by Saint Mary’s University (Halifax,[...]

Mortuary Archaeology Field School – Giecz, Poland

Amanda Agnew, PhD

The Mortuary Archaeology Field School in Giecz, Poland is accepting applications for the summer 2019 field season. Site Gz10 is an inhumation cemetery dating to[...]

Samshvilde Summer School in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology 2019

Isabelle Coupal

We are now accepting applicants to the Samshvilde Summer School in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology for the summer season of 2019! Be a part of our[...]

2019 UNB Bioarchaeology Field School

Amy Scott

The 2019 UNB Bioarchaeology Field School is now accepting applications! Come explore the Fortress of Louisbourg in beautiful Cape Breton, Canada and learn about one[...]

UNB Bioarchaeology Field School 2019

Amy Scott

Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 UNB Bioarchaeology Field School at the Fortress of Louisbourg in Cape Breton, Canada. Efforts to manage coastal[...]

The Biserica Neagră Bioarchaeology Fieldschool 2019

Annamaria Diana

The non-profit Black Church Cemetery Project (established 2013) team and supporting institutions are pleased to announce that applications are open for the Biserica Neagră Bioarchaeology[...]

Field School: Madagascar Past and Present

Mitchell Irwin

Sadabe, Northern Illinois University and the University of Antananarivo are pleased to announce this one-month, six-credit field school from June 7 – July 7, 2019.[...]

2019 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Osteology and Archaeological Lab School in Peru

Emily Schach

The Contisuyo Osteology and Archaeological Lab School in Peru (June 9- July 21, 2019) will provide students with valuable experience studying abroad and conducting osteological[...]

2019 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Olduvai Gorge Paleoanthropology Field School

Charles Egeland

This program will provide young scholars with an exceptional study abroad experience at one of the world’s premier paleoanthropological sites: Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. The site[...]

Advanced Field Experience in Bioarchaeology

David Hubin

The excavation of human burials is a sensitive undertaking that must be carried out with utmost professionalism. Specialized bioarchaeological training is essential to ensure that[...]

Mortuary archaeology and bioarchaeology field school in Iran

Joanna Szymczak

25 August – 15 September 2018 Mortuary archaeology and bioarchaeology field school in Iran is a joint project of the University of Kashan (Iran), Iranian[...]

Koobi Fora Field School deadline extended to April 1st!

Ashley Hammond

The Koobi Fora Field School has extended the spring deadline for applicants until April 1, 2018. We have a great season lined up this year,[...]

Forensic Aviation Archaeological Field School

Dr. Tanya Peckmann

Forensic Aviation Archaeological Field School 12 July – 11 August 2018, Normandy, France Saint Mary’s University (Halifax, Canada) is collaborating with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting[...]

Turkana Basin Institute’s Origins Field School Semester Abroad Program in Kenya for Fall 2018

Jason E. Lewis

The Turkana Basin Institute (TBI) and Stony Brook University are pleased to announce our Fall 2018 Origins Field School program in Kenya. ORIGINS FIELD SCHOOL[...]

Field School in primate behavior, ecology, and conservation in Brazil (July 5-July 28, 2018)

Paul A. Garber

In conjunction with the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil (Dr. Nicola Schiel), I will be teaching a primate behavior, ecology, and conservation field course[...]

Transylvania Bioarchaeology 2018 Field School

Kori Lea Filipek

Transylvania Bioarchaeology, in collaboration with the Romanian Institute of Archaeology and Art History (Cluj-Napoca), are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for[...]

Forensic Anthropology Field School in Albania and Romania; May 15-June 7, 2018

Thomas A. Crist, Ph.D.

Albania’s magnificent archaeological site at Butrint National Park is one of two primary locations for Utica College’s 15th annual Forensic Anthropology Field School course, which[...]

Astypalaia Bioarchaeology Field School July 2018

Simon Hillson

Applications are now open for the summer 2018 field school and all the details are on the project website: There is also a facebook[...]