2024 Guides for Presenters

As you prepare your presentation, you may find it helpful to read through AABA’s Social Media Policy.

We ask scholars in all subdisciplines of biological anthropology to please carefully consider the language used and images chosen to describe your research. Offensive language and images should not be used.  In addition, please be mindful of whether the language in your presentation may inadvertently contribute to marginalization of underrepresented groups in biological anthropology.  Please consider each image carefully to avoid unintended harm and if an image is essential but may cause difficulty for some viewers, please consider contextualizing or alerting audience members in advance.

Specific guides for podium, poster, and virtual presentations:

If you are presenting in the Online program:

In response to feedback from attendees of the AABA Reno meeting, the online-only presentations in 2024 will be different from previous years: there will be no live, interactive virtual sessions. A PDF file of a poster and/or a video recording of a presentation will be available to attendees for asynchronous viewing on our virtual platform. 

Both in-person and online-only presenters will upload a PDF file of their poster and/or a video recording of their presentation to our online platform. All attendees (in-person and online) will be able to view the uploaded materials on the virtual platform.

You will receive an automated email from X-CD inviting you to upload your presentation. We anticipate that this will occur in February.

Quick Links:

Guide for effective podium presentations

Guide for effective poster presentations

Virtual presentation guidelines

AABA’s Social Media Policy.