Workshop: Departmental leadership and data: a discussion about trends in enrollment for current, past, and future departmental chairs

The number of students graduating with bachelor’s degrees in anthropology has declined nationally since 2016 and anthropology programs are often at risk of closure during college and university reorganizations. As a continuation of the 2023 “Leadership in Liminal Spaces” workshop, this proposed discussion will be an opportunity for current or former chairs, or those who may plan to take leadership positions in their departments, to meet and discuss 1) the effects of the national trend in declining undergraduate enrollments on their departments and graduate programs, 2) strategies that could be used both within and across departments and universities for revitalizing programs, and 3) envisioning how anthropology programs might evolve to remain robust in the future. This year, attendees will be asked to bring enrollment data from their institutions to collaborate on a data-driven investigation of trends across the nation and how they may impact our field and organization. All current, former, and future leaders of anthropology and related departments are welcome to join in the conversation.

Thursday, March 21, 2024, 12:15-2:15pm

Organized by Amy Rector (Virginia Commonwealth University)