94th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland (2025)

Our 94th Annual Meeting will take place in Baltimore, Maryland, from March 12-15, 2025.
Register for the Baltimore meeting!
- Visit our BALTIMORE MEETINGS PAGE for all the updated conference information, including registering for the meeting, reserving your hotel room, and planning your trip!
- Ready to register? Login in to your Member Profile to find the “Register for AABA 2025” button!
- Registered and ready to submit your abstract?
- Visit our abstract preparation page for detailed information
- Login in to your Member Profile to find the “Abstract Submissions” button!
- Peruse the list of workshops offered in Baltimore
- Donate your new or loved items for the Silent Auction to support student travel!
- Business Meeting Agenda and Reports
Major deadlines for the 2025 meeting in Baltimore:
- July 1: Deadline to volunteer for 2025 Program Committee
- July 15: Invited Symposium submission proposal portal opens
- August 15: Deadline for Invited Symposium proposals
- September 15: Abstract submission portal opens
- October 15: Deadline for Abstract submissions
- November 15: Deadline for Workshop Proposal submissions
- January 31: Undergraduate Research Symposium abstract submissions
2025 deadlines for prizes and awards:
- October 15: Nomination deadline for Darwin, Lasker, and AABA and Leakey Foundation Communication & Outreach Award in Honor of Camilla Smith Awards
- January 6: Pollitzer Student Travel Award submissions
- January 6: Cobb Professional Development Award submissions
- January 31: Undergraduate Research Symposium abstract submissions
- February 14: Student Volunteer applications due
- February 21: Student Presentation Award applications due
For more information and specific questions, contact the emails below:
- Problems with abstract submission: vicepresident@bioanth.org
- General meetings questions: aabameetings@burkinc.com
- Questions about registration: aabaregistration@burkinc.com
- Exhibits/sponsors: aabasponsors@burkinc.com
- Scientific programming: vicepresident@bioanth.org