AABA Silent Auction Supporting Student Travel

Call for 2025 Auction Donations
Dear AABA member/supporter,
As co-Chairs of the AABA Auction committee we are reaching out to ask for donations for our annual auction to be held at the 94th Annual Meeting of the AABAs in Baltimore on March 13, 2025. This year we will have a Silent Auction with some special Baltimore guests to motivate donations! Bidding for the Silent Auction runs from 3 pm until 7:30 pm, and guests will join us for the finale.
The auction proceeds provide funding for undergraduate and graduate student travel awards. Meeting attendance provides students with opportunities not only to present their research, but also to meet other students, to meet leaders in their fields, and to gain important career information and scientific inspiration. Our pre-meeting workshops also provide opportunities for students to obtain mentorship and to learn new skills.
Some of our recent auctions raised over $10,00 and all these funds were used to support student awards. This year, we hope to reach a goal of $13,000!
To that end, can you help us with a donation of a product or service? We are looking for both small and “big ticket” items, but all donations are greatly appreciated (and are tax deductible). Your donation can be something as simple as books, posters, artwork, jewelry, or any primate/field-related items.**
We need you to fill out a form for all donations. Please use this link to our online form:
Or if you prefer, you may email us for a form to fill out. To coordinate a donation of small or large ticket items, please contact Anne Grauer (agrauer@luc.edu). We will take it from there!
Thank you for considering our request to help out aspiring undergraduate and graduate students in biological anthropology!
Anne Grauer and Amy Rector
Auction Committee Co-Chairpersons
** If you would like to make a donation but do not have anything you feel like you can part with, one of us use would be happy to purchase something (e.g., a local brew basket, books, casts, etc.) to auction off on your behalf. Please email Anne directly to arrange.