International Society for Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health Meeting (March 19-21, 2015 in Tempe, Arizona)

The Foundation for Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health (EMPH) is expanding its mission to sponsor a new Society for Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health.

The inaugural meeting for the Society will be March 19-21, 2015 in Tempe, Arizona, in collaboration with the Arizona State University Center for Evolution and Medicine (

Plenary speakers will include:
• Harvey Fineberg, Institute of Medicine
• Stephen Stearns, Yale University
• Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, UCLA
• Sir Peter Gluckman, University of Auckland
• Ann Demogines (Omenn Award Winner), BioFire Diagnostics
• Ruslan Medzhitov, Yale University

Full information is available at, including a list of other leaders in evolutionary medicine who have agreed to participate.

You can register and submit an abstract at Space is limited, and fees are substantially discounted for those who register early.

We look forward to having many people from the biological anthropology community join us for this inaugural meeting!