AAA/AAPA Anatomy in Anthropology Student Awards

The anatomical sciences and biological anthropology have a deeply entwined history, and new methodological and theoretical advances in both fields ensure an exciting future. To recognize and encourage the incorporation of the anatomical sciences into cutting edge biological anthropology research, the American Association of Anatomists and the American Association of Physical Anthropologists have provided funding for student awards at the AAPA annual meeting in St. Louis.

Two students will be awarded $250 each for the poster and podium presentations that are judged to best implement either traditional or state-of-the-art anatomical methodologies (e.g., histology, pathology, immunohistochemistry, gross dissection, imaging, developmental genetics, etc.) in innovative anthropological research. Research may be on past and living humans and nonhuman primates, but could focus on other animal models as long as the context is anthropological. Presentations will be judged on novelty of the research question and design, use of anatomical methodologies, and presentation style.

To apply, please email your AAPA abstract to Dr. Rebecca Jabbour (rsj2 at no later than March 1, 2015. Indicate whether this is a poster or podium presentation and the DATE and TIME of the presentation. The winner will be announced at the AAPA Student Awards Reception. Check official program for precise date and time.