Learn About Humanity’s Place in Nature at the Turkana Basin Institute’s Origins Field School Semester Abroad Program in Kenya

Do you want to learn about ancient humans and the environments in which they lived, discover fossils and artifacts, and visit field sites where some of the most important prehistoric discoveries were made?

Our Origins Field School addresses the place that humans occupy in the natural world and how we came to occupy that place. Participants will gain hands-on experience in field survey and excavation methods, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, taphonomy and more, and will take field trips to important paleontological and archaeological sites, diverse ecological settings, and remarkable geological features throughout the Turkana Basin.

The program is comprised of five, three-credit, upper division courses:
• Ecology: Linking People and Nature (ANP 304)
• Sedimentary Geology and Geochronology (GEO 303) • Earth & Life Through Time (ANP 305)
• Human Evolution (ANP 306)
• Prehistoric Archaeology of Africa (ANT 307)

This program is offered each Spring and Fall semester, and courses are taught in English by top scientists in their fields. Students will earn 15 upper-division credits while studying in one of the most beautiful and interesting parts of the world. The cost is the same as attending a semester on campus at Stony Brook University. To learn more or to apply to this program, please visit KenyaStudyAbroad.org, or email turkanabasin@stonybrook.edu.

The Turkana Basin Institute was established as a joint venture between renowned paleoanthropologist and conservationist Richard Leakey and Stony Brook University to expand upon groundbreaking scientific work the Leakey family and their colleagues have pioneered over the last five decades in Kenya’s Turkana Basin. Now, TBI is proud to offer unique, full-semester field school programs through Stony Brook University.