The Anthropology of Hands conference

The Anthropology of Hands conference, hosted by the School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent (Canterbury, UK) on 24-26 June 2015.

This is an interdisciplinary conference looking broadly at human and non-human primate hands from a biological and social anthropology perspective, as well as from other evolutionary, biological and psychology disciplines.

There are several keynote speakers, but those particularly relevant to researchers interested in biological anthropology include:
Prof Carel van Schaik (University of Zurich) hand use and intelligence in great apes
Prof Mary Marzke (Arizona State University) on the evolution of the human hand
Dr Gillian Forrester (University of Westminster) on the evolution of right-handedness
Prof Jean Clottes (Ministry of Culture, France) on hands in European and Indian cave art.

More information about the conference and a detailed programme can be found at:

Registration fee until 01 June 2015 is £50 (£30 for students) and includes entry into all events for the three days of the conference, reception on Wednesday and Thursday evening, lunch and refreshments on Thursday and Friday, and the Gala supper on the Friday evening. After 01 June, conference fees will increase to £100 (£60 students). We encourage you to register early as space is limited.

Photo: The hand of Australopithecus sediba (credit P. Schmid)