Field Course in Tropical Biology and Primatology: Scholarships Available

Field Course in Tropical Biology and Primatology
Our courses are organized around several discrete modules in the fields of tropical biology and primatology. At the start of the course, students begin by learning basic orienteering and navigation skills, while becoming familiar with safety and ethics concerning living and working in the rainforests of Peru and India. Then, accompanied by assigned literature (primary research conducted in the area or at the site itself), the course leads students through a diverse range of topics, including ornithology, primatology, herpetology, entomology, mammalogy and botany. Along the way, students receive training in a variety of practical skills, such as behavioral observation, radio telemetry, recording and manipulating spatial data, tree-climbing, and animal handling. Finally, we stress at each stage the importance of considering the conservation of this special habitat, and the impact we have on it.
Other Course Activities:
Along the way, participants will undergo a variety of experiences: boat trips, mountain top hikes, exploration of ox-bow lakes, lifting prints from pug-marks, night hikes, a visit to a mammal clay lick, safari rides into abutting national parks, and climbing the canopy tower.
Course Options:
January 1 – January 14, 2016
India: Fringe Ford Field Station
Peru: Los Amigos Field Station
Registration Deadline: November 27, 2015.

–There are a few simple requirements to determine eligibility for this course:
–You must be at least 18 years of age at the time of the course.
–You must have medical insurance, and provide proof of such insurance to us to complete your reservation.
–We have no citizenship requirements. Anyone is welcome to apply. You must obtain visas independently if necessary.
–You do not need any training in biology or primatology: our course is structured to accommodate people from a variety of backgrounds.
–Courses have a maximum capacity of 20 participants. If you are concerned that you will lose your spot, please contact us to confirm how many spots we have left.

Application Instructions:
–Visit course webpage here:
–Read about our courses on tropical biology:
–India course details:
— Peru course details:
–Submit a registration form here:

Take the Course for Credit:
Both sessions of the course are being offered for 3 credits via Washington University in Saint Louis, cross-registered in the biology and anthropology departments. Sign up directly with University College – note: cost per credit is extra.
–The course costs $1950, and does not include personal travel to Puerto Maldonado, Peru or Bangalore, India
–When you apply, you will be asked to pay a fee of $400 to reserve your place in the course
–The remaining amount is due by the application deadline of November 27, 2015.
This year we are offering scholarships to students from a variety of targeted groups including:
– students from the Madre de Dios Department of Peru
– students from the entire country of Peru
– students from the state of Kerala
– students from India only
– students from under-developed countries (see online for a country list)
– students from the rest of the world (see online for a country list)
View them here: