Our African Origins public symposium at University of Missouri

The story of where humans came from starts in Africa – we are all Africans. The story of our origins is becoming richer and more nuanced as new fossil discoveries add more pages, and the pace of discovery seems to be increasing every year. Join us March 21-22, 2016 to hear internationally recognized leading scholars in the search for human origins to MU to share their latest discoveries and bring us up to date with the current state of understanding of our origins. Kicking off the event Monday, March 21, Dr. Meave Leakey will speak at 7 pm at the Missouri Theater. Then, Tuesday March 22 from 8:30-4:30 come hear Drs. William Kimbel, Zeresenay Alemseged, Carol Ward, Kay Behrensmeyer, Bernard Wood and Curtis Marean speak about earliest hominins through the origins of modern human behavior. All talks are free and open to the public, as are receptions before and after the events, where you can meet and talk with the scientists. Lunch is available for purchase. Please register at the URL provided if you’ll be joining us, and we hope we see you in March!