Field Course: Tropical Biology & Primatology (Peru)

Field Projects International is offering two new Tropical Biology and Primatology courses for summer 2016. Held at the Los Amigos Biological Field station in Southeastern Peru, students will receive training in basic orienteering and navigation, behavioral observation, radio telemetry, recording and manipulating spatial data, tree-climbing, and more. These hands-on exercises compliment course modules covering a diverse range of topics, including ornithology, primatology, herpetology, entomology, mammalogy and botany. All of this occurs at a field site that has logged nearly 600 species of birds, 11 primate species, 6 felid species, a staggering diversity of herpetofauna, and countless invertebrates. Other course activities include boat trips up the Los Amigos River, exploration of oxbow lakes, lifting prints from pug-marks, night hikes, a visit to a mammal clay lick, and climbing a canopy tower.


— Session 1: May 20 – June 10, 2016
— Session 2: August 1 – 14, 2016

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: April 17, 2016 (both courses)


–You must be at least 18 years of age at the time of the course.
–You must have medical insurance, and provide proof of such insurance to us to complete your reservation.
–We have no citizenship requirements. Anyone is welcome to apply. You must obtain visas independently if necessary.
–You do not need any training in biology or primatology: our course is structured to accommodate people from a variety of backgrounds.


–Visit course webpage here:
–Submit a registration form here:


— Both sessions of the course are being offered for credit through Washington University in Saint Louis, cross-registered in the biology and anthropology departments.


— Session 1 (May/June): $2200, Session 2 (August): $1950.
— Course fees do not include personal travel to Puerto Maldonado, Peru
— When you apply, you will be asked to pay a fee of $400 to reserve your place in the course
— The remaining amount is due by the application deadline only.


— We have competitive scholarship options that open Feb 1st. You may view these options here: