Working your fingers to the bone. An interdisciplinary conference on identifying occupation from the skeleton

The University of Coimbra (World Heritage) welcome you to the Working your fingers to the bone. An interdisciplinary conference on identifying occupation from the skeleton.

Conference on ALL aspects of the effect of occupation on the skeleton, including dentition. This is an interdisciplinary conference with keynote speakers from anthropology, Dr. C. Wilczak (San Francisco State University, USA), archaeology, Dr. S Villotte, (University of Bordeaux, France), forensic medicine, Prof. D. Nuno (University of Coimbra, Portugal), and medical history, Prof. P. Kirby (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK).

Alongside the conference there is a half day workshop on the “new Coimbra method” for recording entheseal changes (Henderson et al. 2015, IJOA,, taught by two of the authors.

Abstract deadline: 29th of February 2016, midnight GMT.
Registration deadline for workshop: start of April. Register early to avoid disappointment!
Registration for conference: early registration ends 4th of April.

Looking forwad to meeting you in the “City of Students”