39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology

39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology

August 3rd, 2016 Museum of Comparative Zoology, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
August 4th, 2016 Folkman Auditorium, Boston Children’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology (SCGDB) was founded in 1976 and is committed to advancing knowledge, health care and prevention of craniofacial disorders through education and research. SCGDB membership unites clinicians and scientists from broad backgrounds and experience who are dedicated to understanding the unique aspects of craniofacial development and improving the lives of those with associated birth defects. The 39th annual meeting of SCGDB which will take place on Wednesday August 3rd, from 5pm-9.30pm at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Boston, MA and Thursday August 4th from 8.30am – 7.30pm at the Folkman Auditorium, Boston Children’s Hospital in Boston, MA. The meeting commences with a workshop on evolution and development of the craniofacial complex and continues with sessions on craniofacial development, clinical genetics and disease. The conference will highlight variation and evolution of the head and face as well as translational aspects of craniofacial genetics research and promises to provide considerable insight into mechanistic, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of craniofacial medicine. We are fortunate to have several confirmed internationally recognized speakers including Drs. James Hanken, Tom Hamel, Ed Liao, Bonny Padwa, Joan Richtsmeier, Tom Schilling, Richard Schneider.

As in years past, additional speakers will be selected from abstract submissions to provide podium presentations. The meeting will conclude on Thursday evening with a lively poster session. SCGDB strongly encourages the participation of graduate students, trainees, residents and early career professionals in our annual meeting. Abstract submission closes June 24th 2016, however registration will remain open until August 3rd.

For detailed information about the annual meeting please visit:


Abstract submission deadline: June 24th, 2016
Registration deadline: August 3rd, 2016

Keynote Speakers, Workshop and Travel Information: http://craniofacialgenetics.org/2016-annual-meeting/2016-annual-meeting-travel-information/
Paul Trainor, President, Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology
Local Organizers: Matthew Harris (Boston Children’s Hospital), Jennifer Fish (University of Massachusetts, Lowell), Craig Albertson (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)