Nominations Sought – Ad Hoc Committee on Contingent/Teaching-Focused/Non-Traditional Faculty

The AAPA Executive Committee seeks nominations for the last appointee for a new ad-hoc committee focused on how to better serve and include members in ‘non-traditional’ faculty/employment positions, including contingent and teaching focused faculty members. The ad-hoc committee is charged with identifying barriers to membership and participation that affect faculty in ‘non-traditional’/contingent positions. The committee will meet virtually and report directly to the executive committee. The report and recommendations will be made prior to the AAPA meeting in New Orleans. All nominees must be AAPA members and committed to the mandate of the committee. Please send your nominations to the Executive Committee Early Career Mentee and committee Chair, Dr. Nikki Burt, by September 15th, 2016. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations should include the member’s full name and email address, current position, membership type, and a short statement on their work related to the topic. Nominations will be reviewed by the Chair and the AAPA President.