2017 IDEAS (Increasing Diversity in Evolutionary Anthropological Sciences) Workshop

The IDEAS Program provides support for underrepresented minority and/or first generation college students who are engaged in or interested in pursuing careers in biological anthropology. Graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. The IDEAS Program consists of a 1) one-day workshop and 2) mentoring groups that will support students during the AAPA meetings and beyond.

The IDEAS Workshop is a full day event on Wednesday April 19th, 2017 preceding the AAPA meetings and culminating in the COD Undergraduate Symposium and Reception. Approximately 15 IDEAS Scholars will partner with an equal number of faculty and postdoctoral researchers. The workshop includes presentations and group discussions on a range of ongoing research topics in biological anthropology. In addition, the workshop will include professionalization modules and small mentoring groups of faculty and students with similar research interests. Post workshop activities at the AAPA meeting include networking opportunities throughout the week that will allow participants to meet a variety of researchers at the conference in a fun and engaging manner and a meeting room at the conference where IDEAS participants can converse more informally with other participants or set up meetings with other researchers. You do not need to be presenting at the main meeting and you do not need to be an AAPA member. You also do not have to be an Anthropology major for this program
IDEAS Student Scholars receive a travel stipend and meeting’s registration fee waiver. IDEAS Undergraduate Scholars receive AAPA membership for up to three years while they continue as undergraduates.
To apply to be an IDEAS Scholar for the 2017 AAPA meetings in New Orleans, please complete an application at this website: http://physanth.org/forms/ideas-workshop-application-2017/