Pollitzer Student Travel Awards for 2017

Thinking about AAPA’s annual meeting in New Orleans next April? All student members are eligible to apply for up to $500 in travel support from AAPA thanks to the Pollitzer Essay competition, even if you aren’t planning to submit an abstract.

This year’s topic is:
In 2011, the United States’ National Science Foundation changed the name of the program that “supports basic research in areas related to human evolution and contemporary human biological variation” from Physical Anthropology to Biological Anthropology. If you attended the business meeting at AAPA’s 2016 annual meeting, you know that there are voices within our membership arguing for a change in our organization’s name as well. In ~750 words or less, make a case either for or against changing the name of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. If you argue for a name change, what should the new one be?

References are encouraged, as is a consideration of the history of our discipline. Note that full citations should be included at the end of your essay (submitted separately) and do NOT count towards the 750 word limit.

Deadline is January 1, 2017.

The committee looks forward to reading your great ideas on this issue!

Here is the submission page: http://physanth.org/forms/pollitzer-student-travel-awards-2017/