Emslie Horniman and Ruggles-Gates Funds

The Royal Anthropological Institute has two grant schemes available for postgraduates students to help fund fieldwork undertaken as part of their degrees.

The Emslie Horniman Fund was established in 1944 to ‘promote the study of the growth of civilisations, habits and customs, religious and physical characteristics of the non-European peoples and of prehistoric and non-industrial man in Europe’. It therefore includes anthropological research in its widest sense.

The major aim of the Fund is to encourage postgraduates to pursue fieldwork, and so to develop their careers as Anthropologists and make significant contributions to the discipline. Amongst the former awardees are those who have gone on to the heights of the profession in academia and beyond. It is normal practice for the trustees to provide mentoring for successful candidates. Full details can be found here http://www.therai.org.uk/awards/research-grants/emslie-horniman-anthropological-scholarship-fund.

The Ruggles-Gates Fund for Biological Anthropology provides grants for research in biological anthropology. Preference will be given to those applications which lie within human population biology, human genetics, human ethology and palaeoanthropology. Full details can be found here http://www.therai.org.uk/awards/research-grants/ruggles-gates-fund-for-biological-anthropology.

The closing date for applications to both of these funds is 31 March.