2018 Applied Genomics in Anthropological Research (AGAR) Workshop

Registration now is open for the 2018 Application of Genetics to Anthropological Research (AGAR) Bioinformatics Workshop. This year’s workshop will provide students and scholars with experience in analyzing genomic data from installing and combining software to running variant call analyses, visualizing data, and testing for functional enrichment of significant regions. AGAR 2018 is partially funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 1714867) and being organized by the American Association of Anthropological Genetics (AAAG) Education Committee. Workshop sessions are as follows:

Session 1: GNU Make and Version Control
Introduction to installing and combining software for downstream analyses
Session 2: GATK
Basics of sequencing and BAM files: read depth, false-positive, false-negative, etc.
Run variant calling pipeline starting with a BAM file and producing a VCF file

Session 3: VCF-tools
Basics of VCF file
Output data details: SNP density, Fst, Tajima’s D, heterozygosity, etc.

Session 4: Data Visualization
Basics of visualizing data: Tidy R, Tidyverse, Bioconductor, etc.

Session 5: Functional Genomics
Investigate outliers and associated haplotypes for their impact on gene expression function, loss of function variants, GWAS variants, regulatory activity, etc.

Session 6: Statistical Considerations
Basics of multiple testing correction methods and selection
Optimize computing time by taking advantage of multiple processors

Session 7: Interval/Overlap Analyses
Investigate if outliers in heterozygosity are enriched for particular genomic elements
Basics on cross-species analyses and gene enrichment (GO, KEGG)

Dates: August 1-3, 2018

Location: University at Buffalo (SUNY), Buffalo, NYCOST

Thanks to NSF support, we will are able to offer registration at a highly reduced fee for students and postdocs:

Students: $100
Postdocs: $150
Faculty: $200

Lodging in dorms will be available at a cost of $100-$150 per night.

Email Omer Gokcumen (omergokc@buffalo.edu) or Joanna Malukiewicz (jmalukie@gmail.com).

Due to space limitations, individuals interested in participating in the AGAR workshop are required to apply. Attendees will be selected from the pool of applicants on the basis of the relevance of the material covered to the applicant’s work. We anticipate that we will be able to accept the majority of applicants, but early career applicants will be given preference if there is insufficient space.

APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NOT LATER THAN MAY 31, 2018. You will be notified on June 7 if you have been selected for a spot and will then have until June 30 to register for the workshop. Individuals requesting to be considered for financial aid will be notified if funds will be provided on June 7.

Registration Form Available Here: