2019 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Osteology and Archaeological Lab School in Peru

The Contisuyo Osteology and Archaeological Lab School in Peru (June 9- July 21, 2019) will provide students with valuable experience studying abroad and conducting osteological and archaeological research. This program provides anthropology and archaeology majors an opportunity to earn 6 credits toward their major in a foreign country. The program gives students laboratory experience in artifact handling, conservation, cataloging and basic analysis of ceramic, lithic, and fauna, as well as a course Human Osteology.

Students will receive a total of 6 credits for two courses: ATY 479: Analysis of Archaeological Data and ATY 453: Human Osteology. These classes are significant for graduates with an anthropology or archaeology degree that wish to work in Cultural Resource Management or attend graduate school to study archaeology or forensics. Students who do not take such courses will not be competitive in the work place or in the application process to graduate school. Since such experiences are vital to an archaeological career, ATY 479 may be repeated for credit.

On Mondays through Friday students will work in the lab from 8:00 AM to Noon (ATY 479). On these days, there will be an hour-long break for lunch. Lab work will resume at 1:00PM and continue until 5:00 PM (ATY 453). Students will have a break of two hours before dinner at 7:00PM. After dinner, students will have additional free time. Free time is provided to allow students an opportunity to read homework articles, study for quizzes, and explore Moquegua. Field trips are scheduled on Saturdays and typically run from 9AM to 3PM. These will be followed by an evening lecture from 5-6PM. No activities are scheduled on Sundays. Students may work on their independent research projects or explore the many monuments in historic Moquegua (all students must get prior approval for any Sunday activity that is not within walking distance of the museum).