Pollitzer Student Travel Awards 2019

The essay topic and submission portal for the 2019 Pollitzer Travel Awards is now available. This competition is designed to help students defray the costs of attending the AAPA meetings and is open to all AAPA student members (undergraduate and graduate) who are attending the annual meeting, whether or not they are an author on a poster or podium presentation. Students from underrepresented groups in biological anthropology, those who are the first in their family to go to college, or are undergraduate students at two-year and four-year colleges (without graduate programs) are strongly encouraged to apply.

These awards are named in honor of William S. Pollitzer, a Human Biologist who taught at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, a Darwin Lifetime Achievement Awardee, and past president of the AAPA.

The deadline for these 750-word essays is January 1, 2019. As the committee of judges looks forward to reading how students weigh-in on the 2019 topic, we want to reiterate our congratulations to our 2018 winners.