Course Speaking with Confidence and Impact for scientists

Transmitting Science is offering the following course “Speaking with Confidence and Impact” that can be of interest for members of this list.

This course is for researchers at different levels that want to improve their ability to speak in public in a confident and authentic way.

For motivated, intelligent people with purpose, the challenge in public speaking is not finding what to say, but finding a relaxed, focused and engaging way to say it.
Staying grounded in yourself and connected with your audience is the key to having a successful impact in public speaking, and this is increasingly true in the noisy, competitive environment of scientific research.

Traditional presentation training attempts to build speaker capacity through working on externals like body posture and vocal projection. This workshop includes these elements but also works at a deeper level to help participants build genuine confidence on the inside.
At this workshop participants will learn to:
♣ Communicate your research more effectively and with more impact
♣ Strengthen core confidence and ‘presence’ as a speaker
♣ Build on and practice the English language of presentation
♣ Learn strategies for managing Q+A and discussions after a talk
♣ Design and use PowerPoint slides more effectively
♣ Engage and inspire audiences on a whole new level

Instructor: Millie Baker (The Speaking Adventure, United Kingdom).

Dates: March 4th-5th 2019.

Place: Capellades, Barcelona (Spain).

More information and registration: