Course Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics using (mostly) R, Calgary (Canada)

Registration is open for the course Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics using (mostly) R.


Instructors: Dr. Paula González (CONICET-HEC-UNAJ, Argentina) and Dr. David Katz (University of Calgary, Canada).

Date and place: July 8th-12th, 2019, Alberta (Canada).

This course is intended as an introduction to the major aspects of 2D and 3D landmark-based shape analysis. While we will spend some time on shape theory and mechanical aspects relevant statistical analyses, the goal of doing so will be to develop your intuition for how to—and how not to—design and interpret your geometric morphometrics research.
Students will learn the foundations of geometric morphometrics through lectures and daily exercises. The exercises are designed around a mouse skull shape sample from a controlled experiment with longitudinal design, though for most exercises, students are welcome to work with their own data instead.
Students lacking a rudimentary understanding of R will be asked to complete a short series of introductory exercises prior to attending the course. Most analyses will be done in R, although we will also use Meshlab for landmarking 3D models, and tpsDig for 2D landmarking.

More information and registration: or writing to

Places are limited to 20 participants and will be occupied by strict registration order.

This course is organized by Transmitting Science and Calgary University.