CARTA 10th Anniversary Symposium: Revisiting the Agenda

Join the live webcast! “CARTA 10th Anniversary: Revisiting the Agenda” is the topic of a free public symposium hosted by the UCSD/Salk Center for Academic Research & Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) on Saturday, March 23rd (1:00-6:00 pm Pacific), co-chaired by Fred Gage (Salk Institute) and Pascal Gagneux (UC San Diego)

More than 20 years ago, a small group of La Jolla academics began periodic meetings for transdisciplinary discussions on anthropogeny (explaining the origin of humans) – an effort that blossomed into an international intellectual collaboration organized by UC San Diego and the Salk Institute as the Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA).

At the formal opening of CARTA, just over 10 years ago, a group of CARTA leaders and advisors attempted to “define the agenda”. Much additional relevant information has since emerged, and an expanded group of experts will now revisit the agenda by addressing the following questions on a broad array of selected topics: What do we know for certain? What do we think we know? What do we need to know? How do we proceed? – Effectively, a whirlwind tour of many but not all approaches to anthropogeny.

Access the live webcast here on March 23: