Nominations due MAY 7th – Robert W. Sussman Award for Scientific Contributions to Anthropology


Robert W. Sussman Award for Scientific Contributions to Anthropology
Section H (Anthropology) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Purpose: To recognize meritorious scientific contributions to the field of anthropology by mid-career anthropologists*.

Mid-career is generally defined as about 10-20 years post PhD. In academic rank, the individual would typically be an associate to early full professor.

• Nominations should be sent to Karen Strier,
• Nominees do not need to be members of AAAS. Self nominations are not accepted.

• A nomination will consist of a nominating letter (maximum 2,000 words), describing the relationship of the nominator to the candidate, the candidate’s most significant contributions and why they are lasting, and the candidate’s trajectory for making continuing contributions to science in the spirit of the mission and goals of AAAS. The nominating letter should be accompanied by the candidate’s CV and complete contact information.

*As recorded in the minutes from the 2017 Section H Business meeting: “Bob Sussman embodies the science and spirit of Anthropology. From fieldwork on lemurs to human biology to deconstructing the evils of race, his legacy of mentorship, caring, and dissemination of knowledge will be with us forever.”