Course: Communicating Science Effectively, May 18-22, Barcelona (Spain).

Registration is open for the first edition of the Transmitting Science course COMMUNICATING SCIENCE EFFECTIVELY.

Dates: May 18th-22nd, 2020, Barcelona (Spain).

Instructor: Laura Berdejo (Agence France Presse, Uruguay)

Place: Capellades, Barcelona (Spain)

Course Overview

This course is for scientists who want to communicate effectively at several levels (traditional media, social media, activities), in different formats (text, photos, video, graphics) to a heterogeneous audience (general public, peers, potential donors, children, international organisations, public institutions, etc.).
The main goal of the course is to provide them with the necessary skills to define their objectives, to identify already existing networks and instruments in order to create links with them and to produce effective messages.

AAPA members can benefit of a 20 % discount on the fee.

Registration and more information:

This course is organized by Transmitting Science