AnthroEvolution: Material Culture

We are happy to announce the call for papers for BioantTalks, a YouTube conference for anthropologists.

BioantTalks has partnered with Dr. Telmo Pereira to organize the conference AnthroEvolution: Material Culture, which will take place October 5-9, 2020 on BioantTalks Youtube channel. Submit an abstract if your research is on material culture with an evolutionary perspective. Topics include prehistorical tools; cognition studies on tool use; biomechanical analysis on tool manipulation; and non-human primates’ tool use. Submit it as a *.doc document no later than May 31, 2020 (11 pm Eastern Standard Time).

Presenting your research at BioantTalks will allow you: – to present your research in the comfort of your home or office – to present without worrying about fees (BioantTalks is free!) – to connect with anthropologists & archaeologists around the world on an online platform – to be environmental friendly by helping reducing work-related carbon emissions associated with academic travel

More details can be found at:

Please share the call for papers with your contacts.

Looking forward to hear about your research!

Telmo Pereira
Vanessa Campanacho