AAPA Hosts a Professional Support Webinar Series in Response to COVID-19

AAPA is committed to providing a source of professional support and community for our members. As a first step in adjusting to our new socially-distanced world, we developed a summer, three-part webinar series to help members adjust to the pandemic's impact on our professional lives. We recognize that the impact of COVID-19 has been disproportionately felt across our membership and will be looking into ways to expand this webinar series to address more of those professional needs.

Tips & Tricks for Remote Teaching in Biological Anthropology

Shifting Gears With Your Research Due to COVID-19

Career-Thinking: The Multiverse of What People Can Do With a PhD in Biological Anthropology

Members and non-members are welcome. Registration is free, but everyone must register in order to receive a unique link to the event.

Many thanks to the chairs of AAPA's Committee on Student Programs, Committee on Professional Development, Committee on Diversity, and the Biological Anthropology Women's Mentoring Network for their collaboration in developing these three topics, and thank you to AAPA's new Virtual Program Committee for the implementation.

For questions, please email Vice President and Program Chair, Leslea Hlusko.