2021 Abstract Throw-Back Program

Now through December 21, 2020, you can register for the 2021 meeting and present the research you had planned to present in 2020. No need to write a new abstract, no need to collect new data or come up with a new title. Even if you presented that research elsewhere or uploaded is as part of the online option for AAPA’s 2020 meeting, you are welcome to present your 2020 research at the 2021 meeting. See the Throwback Program webpage for details.

AAPA’s main mission during these trying times is to hold us together as a professional community. People who were the lead author for an abstract scheduled for the 2020, but who did not submit an abstract for 2021, received an email invitation. If you qualify for the Throwback Program but did not receive your email invitation, please email Vice President Leslea Hlusko at aapa2021@berkeley.edu.