Congratulations to this year’s Student Presentation Awards winners!

The Journal of Human Evolution Prize – For an excellent poster or podium presentation on human or primate evolution Elizabeth Tapanes, George Washington University ( Ecology and opsin variation drives the evolution of hair phenotypes across Indriidae lemurs – implications for human evolution

The AAA-AAPA Anatomy in Anthropology podium prize – For excellent presentations that are judged to best implement either traditional or state-of-the-art anatomical methodologies in innovative anthropological research (subject to co-funding by the American Association for Anatomy)
Alexa Kelly, University of North Texas Health Science Center ( Energetic Demands and Sexual Dimorphism in Inuit Nasal Morphology

The Mildred Trotter Prize – For an excellent poster or podium presentation on bones or teeth
Elizabeth Cho, University of Missouri – The influence of climate and population structure on East Asian skeletal morphology (

The Patricia Whitten Prize – For an excellent poster or podium presentation on primatology
Arielle Fogel, Duke University ( Mapping putative genetic barriers to gene flow in hybrid baboons

The American Association of Physical Anthropologists Awards for Outstanding Student Presentations (Four in total)

The American Association of Physical Anthropologists Honorable Mention for Student Presentations (three in total)