Conference – Bridges between disciplines: Gender in STEM and Social Sciences, Sept 12-16

We are pleased to announce that the conference Bridges between disciplines: Gender in STEM and Social Sciences (, has opened the call for Symposia.
This conference will be held in a safe hybrid environment (online and onsite) from Sept 12th to Sept 16th, 2022.

The main aim of this Conference is not only to bridge the gap between what has been thought of as separate and decoupled fields of knowledge (STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics- and Social Sciences), but also to think about gender differences in Science(s) from an intersectional perspective.

The goal of the call for Symposia proposals is to provide a forum for focused discussions of both new and emerging topics or innovative applications of established approaches.

List of research themes the program of the conference aims to cover:
Inequality in Science and Academia – mapping critical problems we need to deal with: e.g. career track, hierarchies, gaps, harassment, precariousness, temporary leaves and dropouts, work-life balance, mental health;
Reflections on the masculinist construction of Science and knowledge;
Languages of Science – concepts and wording, dialogues, communication, and outreach;
Strategies and approaches for an emancipated and emancipatory Science: a Science for all.
Topics not listed but within the scope of the BRIDGES 2022 (Gender and Science) conference are also welcome.

More information on symposia proposals (deadline December 30th)

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me or write to

See you there!