Early Career Liaison to the Executive Committee (Deadline: October 16, 2017)

To increase the participation of its recent PhD members in the association, the AAPA Executive Committee offers the opportunity to serve as an Early Career Liaison to the Executive Committee. The purpose of this position is to increase the participation of early career professionals in AAPA governance, and thereby expand the vision of the association and ensure a solid future of effective and dedicated officers.  

Eligibility and Term: The successful candidate must 1) be a member (in good standing) of the AAPA at the time of application and for the duration of their tenure in the position, and 2) have received his/her PhD or other terminal doctoral degree within 4 years of the date of application. The position is for two years and includes an obligation to attend two full AAPA meetings including the Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday. 

Role: The successful candidate will: 1) shadow a member of the Executive Committee during the meetings; 2) assist that Executive Committee member in their AAPA duties; and, 3) bring to the AAPA President and the Executive Committee issues of interest and concern to members in their early careers. 

Support: For each of the two years of their tenure, the successful candidate will receive one complimentary hotel room for the Tuesday evening of the AAPA meetings to allow their attendance at the Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday. He/she will also receive up to $500 towards travel costs each year.

Application Process: Please provide a CV and a cover letter including a short essay (of 500 words or fewer) on why you wish to serve in this capacity, and the Executive Committee position you would most like to shadow and why.  Applications must be received no later than October 16, 2017. E-mail your application packet as a SINGLE pdf to: Dr. Susan ​Antón (susan.anton@nyu.edu).

Evaluation and Decisions: Applications will be reviewed and ranked by a subcommittee of the AAPA Executive Committee Chaired by the Career Development Committee Chair. Decisions of the committee will be confirmed by the entire AAPA Executive Committee. Recipients will be notified by December 1, 2017. The successful applicant is expected to attend and will be recognized at the AAPA Business Meeting.