AABA Webinar: Open Science in Biological Anthropology

We are excited to invite you to the second AABA webinar of 2024! Please join us on Wednesday, April 10 at 3:00 PM EDT for:

Open Science in Biological Anthropology

The goal of this webinar is to introduce attendees to the concept of Open Science, particularly Open Access, Open Methods, and the FAIR and CARE principles of data sharing. Panelists will discuss the challenges and benefits they have experienced when employing Open Science practices in their research, and provide recommendations on how attendees can apply these practices in their own work, and what aspects should be considered. Further, with this webinar we hope to create more awareness of Open Science in biological anthropology and create a space where Open Science practitioners, both those who are experienced and those eager to learn more, can find each other and share experiences. We also want to explore what more can be done by AABA and the biological anthropology community to encourage more open research in biological anthropology through a Q&A with attendees.

Webinar panelists:

Bjørn Bartholdy (moderator)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; TU Delft

Dr. Esther Plomp (moderator)
Faculty of Applied Sciences; TU Delft

Dr. Siân Halcrow
Department of Anatomy, University of Otago

Dr. Sam Leggett
School of History, Classics, and Archaeology; University of Edinburgh

Dr. Krystal Tsosie
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University

Dr. Trudy Turner
Department of Anthropology; University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

Registration link: https://burkinc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Leq8QK30TAiX-YURZt9czQ

We look forward to seeing you there!