Assistant or Associate Professor

The Department of Anthropology at the University of the Philippines–Diliman seeks applications for a full-time position as faculty member at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. The Department is especially interested in applicants with a specialisation in Biological Anthropology. The appointment is expected to begin during the start of the academic school year 2020/2021 in August. Candidates are expected to have a graduate degree (MA, MS or PhD) in Anthropology. The salary grade of the appointee will depend on the rank awarded, and this will be based on the academic credentials, research record and publications of the applicant.

Required application documents are: a letter of application addressed to the Chairperson of the Department, official transcript of records/ true copy of grades, curriculum vitae with 2×2 ID photo, and at least two letters of reference from academic mentors and/or work supervisors. Complete applications, including letters of reference, should be submitted by March 25, 2020. Email the application to the Department Chairperson at: For foreign applicants, a printed version of the application documents will also be required after your email submission after 25 March. Further details on the call for applications can be found in the original posting: Inquiries about the application can be sent to Janine Ochoa at

The applicant specialising in Biological Anthropology is expected to teach existing core and elective courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. For Biological Anthropology, the core courses at the undergraduate level are: Anthro 101 Foundations of Biological Anthropology and Anthro 197 Field Methods in Biological Anthropology. The core course at the graduate level is Anthro 202 Historical Foundations of Biological Anthropology. Please indicate in your application letter the core courses you are willing to teach, along with other biological/physical anthropology courses in the curriculum that you prefer. For the list of courses, see: The applicant is also expected to assist in developing the Biological Anthropology program and enhancing laboratory and teaching resources of the Department.