Human Cooperation Postdoctoral Fellow

Human Cooperation Post-Doctoral Fellow
Anthropology, Rutgers University

The Human Generosity Project and the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University – New Brunswick seek applicants for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in the study of human cooperation starting August 1, 2015. The successful candidate will conduct a year of fieldwork among Ik-speaking peoples in northeastern Uganda, followed by a year of write-up. The Ik are of particular interest with regard to questions about the nature of human cooperation because of controversial and disputed claims made in the 1970s about their supposed lack of generosity. This project represents an opportunity to conduct the first in-depth research among the Ik on this topic since those claims were made. This project therefore may have a profound impact on our understanding not only of generosity among the Ik but also of human sociality more broadly.

This fellowship is be done as part of the Human Generosity Project, a dynamic, transdiscplinary team located at both Rutgers and Arizona State University examining the phenomenon of generosity and the origins of human cooperation through fieldwork at six sites around the world, laboratory experiments and computer simulations. The fellowship and associated field research are made possible by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

Candidates should have their Ph.D.s in hand by the time the fellowship begins, a history of engagement in issues related to the study of human behavior from an evolutionary perspective, and experience with fieldwork in remote locations. A successful track record working on interdisciplinary teams or with multiple methodologies is desirable but not required. Experience in Africa, especially in northeastern Uganda or adjacent areas of neighboring countries, is also desirable but not required.

To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Lee Cronk at Review of applications will begin November 1 and will continue until the position is filled.

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