Assistant Professor in Biological Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology at Santa Clara University, a Jesuit Catholic institution invites applications for a Biological Anthropologist, to be appointed as a tenure-track assistant professor beginning in September 2016. The department seeks applicants who are theoretically grounded and empirically engaged in biological anthropology. The successful applicant will teach Introduction to Biological Anthropology (lecture and lab), Evolutionary Medicine, Human Health, Nutrition, and Sexuality. Research areas that emphasize a biocultural approach to this range of topics are preferred. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Anthropology at time of appointment. Quality scholarship and undergraduate teaching are essential. The successful candidate will teach six courses per year on the quarter system (seven-course load with one course release for active scholarship). Santa Clara faculty are teaching scholars who value excellent teaching, engage in scholarly work that involves undergraduates in the research process, and are committed to service to the department, college, and university. Santa Clara is a Catholic, Jesuit, value-oriented university located in the heart of Silicon Valley.
We will be available to discuss the position at the AAA meetings in Denver. Application deadline is November 1, 2015.