Paid field assistant position: Study of human-macaque conflict dynamics in Malaysia

Position Description:
The McCowan lab at the University of California (Davis) is looking to hire four research assistants to help collect data on human-macaque conflict and interactions in Malaysia (close to Kuala Lumpur). Three of the four field assistants are expected to collect data on both long-tailed macaque behavior and human-macaque interactions in order to assess the impact of human presence on macaque activity budget and social interactions. The fourth field assistant will conduct interviews with members of local human communities to gather information on their experiences with and attitudes toward monkeys. Candidates may have the opportunity to develop their own project for a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis using the data collected as part of the main project. This position is also ideal for candidates who want to gain additional experience collecting data from wild animals before embarking on graduate study.

The ideal candidate should:
• Have a background (either at Bachelor’s or Master’s level) in
o (for observing macaques): animal behavior, anthropology, biology, ecology, zoology, or other related field.
o (for interviewing local people): psychology, political science, sociology or other related field.
• Be mentally and physically fit and able to work outdoors for long days in the field in a challenging environment.
• Be adaptable and able to work both as part of a team and individually.
• Be reliable, patient, enthusiastic and committed to scientific research.
• Have prior field experience (particularly with non-human primates).
• Speak English fluently. The person conducting interviews should also be able to speak Malaysian fluently.

A salary based on local standards will be provided to cover living costs. The field assistant will be responsible for their own airfare and travel to the field site, medical/travel insurance, and visa.

Term of Appointment:
This is a two-year position.

Application Deadline:
This position is opened until filled. Applications will be evaluated in the order they are received. We are planning to begin data collection on macaque behavior and human-macaque interaction by April 2016 latest, while interviews on local people will start from September 2016