Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, seeks a broadly trained biological anthropologist to fill a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning August 2023. The successful candidate will have or develop, and maintain, an active field and or laboratory-based research program in anthropological genetics that can be supported by external funding; areas include but are not limited to ancient DNA, genomics, and epigenetics. Applicants should have research interests that focus their molecular genetics specialization on hominin evolution and adaptation, and modern human origins. We encourage applicants whose research and or teaching prioritizes analytics and approaches that contribute to critical examinations of race, ethnicity, and/or gender.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate capability in teaching a large undergraduate introductory four-field anthropology course, introductory biological anthropology course, and upper-level courses in their area of expertise, anthropological genetics, human origins, and population diversity, with preference given to those who can also teach primate biology and behavior, and bioarchaeology. We encourage applications from candidates who show interest and ability in directing undergraduate student research projects, independent study courses, and in supervising internships and practica where applicable. The successful candidate will be expected to engage in service to the department, college, and university. Applicants must hold a PhD in Anthropology, by or before August 15, 2023.

Applicants must submit the following by November 1, 2022: (1) a cover letter that includes a statement describing research interests and teaching experience and interests (1-3 pages), (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a diversity statement reflecting upon ability to contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion through research, teaching, and or service (1-2 pages), and (4) a list of three references.

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