COD-AACT Anthropologists outside of Anthropology Departments, Contingent and Teaching Focused faculty

The COD-AACT aims to foster effective teaching practice, focus on the special challenges inherent to being anthropologists in non-anthro departments and address the issues and concerns of contingent faculty.  Additionally the group considers mechanisms for developing research networks between community colleges/ undergraduate colleges (especially those serving minoritized students) and scholars at research universities looking for mentees.

The group holds a committee meeting during the annual AABA meeting and sponsors scientific and professional development events at those meetings.  These events include the workshop “Teaching Biological Anthropology in the 21st Century” that focuses on teaching in college classrooms.  Other events include panels on career paths, and scientific sessions on education research and effective teaching methods.

The COD-AACT operates a listserv to facilitate communication about their events and to gain greater input.  The listserv is administered by Susan Antón. Any AABA member may join the COD_AACT list by following the instructions at

COD-AACT Committee Liaisons

Laurie Kauffman


Marilyn London

Teaching in the 21st Century Liaison

Jessica Westin


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