The Publications Committee is tasked with advising on strategic initiatives related to the publications of the AABA and with considering general publishing-related issues of importance to the members of the AABA. The latter might include, for example, best practices around issues such as data-archiving, open access and others.
Ad hoc committees are formed episodically to serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee on the appointment of AJBA and Yearbook of Biological Anthropology editors, to manage contract negotiations, and other issues that may arise.
The current ad hoc AJBA New Editor Search Committee is chaired by Ripan Malhi. Tracy Kivell, Lyle Konigsberg, Clark Larsen, Avy Licciardi (Wiley Publishing representative), and Robin Nelson serve as committee members.

Trudy R. Turner
Editor in Chief, American Journal of Biological Anthropology

Graciela S. Cabana
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Yearbook of Biological Anthropology

Sheela Athreya
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Yearbook of Biological Anthropology