Student Resources

There are many ways to get involved and find help as students in biological anthropology!

Academic Writing and Publishing Resources:

● Predatory Reports – List of “Predatory” Publishers and Journals

● Making the Choice: Open Access vs. Traditional Journals

● How to Write a Research Paper

● The Geek Anthropologist – How to Get Published

● Purdue Online Writing Lab

● Broad Research Communications Lab – General Writing Tips

● Broad Research Communications Lab – Creating an Academic Poster

● The #BetterPoster Approach

● Five Ways to Declutter Your Writing

● Deciding Where to Publish Research Article

● Organizing Your Social Science Research Paper by USC

● Managing Procrastination

● How to Write a Scientific Abstract

● Reference Manager Review: Comparison of EndNote, Mendeley and Zotero

● How to Choose a Citation Manager

Professional Development Resources:

● The Chronicle of Higher Education – Writing a Cover Letter

● Broad Research Communication Lab – Writing a Cover Letter

● The Professor’s In – Alt-Ac’s Guide to Writing a (Non-Academic) Cover Letter

● The Professor’s In – How to Create a CV

● Broad Research Communication Lab – Writing a Research Statement

● American Board of Forensic Anthropology – Student Page

● Science Through Storytelling – Science Communication Resources

● Skype a Scientist Program

● National Research Mentoring Network

● Work-Life Balance in Academia

● Cornell’s Tips for Finding a Postdoc Position

● How to Find a Postdoc Position That’s Right for You

● American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators – Continuing Education Opportunities

● HD Forensics – Short Courses and Training

Internship Opportunities:

● Smithsonian Fellowships and Internships

● Association of Zoos & Aquariums Internships

● Natural History Research Experiences Program at the Smithsonian

● Anthropology Internship Program at the American Museum of Natural History

● Kirtlandia Research Internship Program at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History

● FACTS Summer Internship Program

● Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences Internship

● New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Visiting Scientist Program

● Summer Internship Program at the Forensic Anthropology Center of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

● Lemur Conservation Foundation – Primate Husbandry Internships

● Maderas Rainforest Conservancy

● Field Museum Internships

● Bioarchaeology Research & Collections Internships at the New York State Museum

Teaching Resources:

● Cult of Pedagogy – How to Write a Syllabus

● The UnEssay Project

● Biological Anthropology Teaching Activities by Cara Ocobock

● March Mammal Madness

● Tips for First-Time Teaching Assistants

● Tips for TAs by TAs

● Why Am I Like This? Series by Tina Lasisi and PBS Terra

● Explorations Biological Anthropology Lab and Activities

● Interactive Activities on Cell Biology, Genetics, and Evolution

● Evolution Simulator

Graduate School Resources:

● The Professor Is In Main Page – General Grad School Academia

● Graduate Programs in Forensic Anthropology

● AnthroGuide

● How to Choose the Right Graduate School

● How to Choose the Right Advisor

● Tips for Successfully Navigating the Mentor–Mentee Journey by Cara Ocobock and Colleagues

● Programs in Biological Anthropology by Mark Griffin

● Considering Graduate School by Mark Griffin

● The Chronicle of Higher Education – How to Have a Productive Yet Restorative Summer

● The Chronicle of Higher Education – How to Move Past Post-Dissertation Depression

● A Guide to Writing a Great Grant Application by Mireille Consalvey

Fieldwork Resources:

● American Anthropological Association’s Field School Opportunities Site

● Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin

● Institute for Field Research

● ShovelBums – Archaeology, Academic, and Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Related Jobs

● Center for Field Sciences

Funding Resources:

● NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

● NSF – Graduate Research Fellowship Program

● Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant

● Wenner-Gren Wadsworth International Fellowship

● Wenner-Gren Wadsworth African Fellowship

● SAPIENS Public Scholars Training Fellowship

● NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship Program

● Fellowships at the American Museum of Natural History

● Social Science Research Council Fellowships

● Graduate Women in Science National Fellowship Program

● American Association of University Women Grants and Fellowships

● Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship

● Leakey Foundation Research Grant

● Francis H. Brown Research African Scholarship

● Leaky Foundation Baldwin Fellowship

● NIH Dissertation Funding

● National Geographic Level I Funding

● National Social Science Institute Dissertation Grant Program

● Association for Women in Science Scholarships

● Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research

● International Primatological Society Research Grants

● Field Museum Research Scholarships and Grants

● Archaeological Institute of America Grants and Awards

Communities of Interest:

● Forensic Anthropology Community

● The Metooanthro Collective

● Black in BioAnth Collective

● Graduate Women in Science

● Human Biology Association

● Paleopathology Association

● Dental Anthropology Association

● American Association of Anthropological Genetics

● American Society of Primatologists

● International Primatological Society

● North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance

● American Society of Human Genetics

● American Association for Anatomy

● Paleoanthropology Society

● American Anthropological Association

● Society for Forensic Anthropologists

● American Academy of Forensic Sciences Anthropology Section

● American Board of Forensic Anthropology

● Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency

● Association of Zoos and Aquariums

● British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO)

● International Association of Genocide Scholars

● Association on American Indian Affairs