Meeting Registration
Ethical Conduct during the AAPA Annual Meeting. By registering to present and/or attend the AAPA Annual Meeting you agree to follow the AAPA Code of Ethics and specifically recognize that:
“It is unethical in any professional setting, including the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, to use the inequalities of power that characterize many professional relationships to obtain personal, sexual, economic or professional advantages. Sexual, sexual identity or racial/ethnic harassment is unethical behavior under the American Association of Physical Anthropologists Code of Ethics.”
Pre-registration: Pre-registration occurs at the time of abstract submission for all first authors.
To pre-register and submit an abstract or pre-register without submitting an abstract, you may do so here.
Registration Fees:

* Registrants from certain countries are eligible for reduced PRE-registration rates of $25 rather than $150 for members, $40 rather than $300 for non-members and $15 rather than $60 for students. These reduced rates are available to residents of all countries classified by the World Bank as being “low” or “middle” income economies (see a complete list at These rates are intended for permanent residents of these countries, including students training abroad, not for researchers working in these countries for a limited period of time. Please pay registration fees accordingly.
**Registrants whose membership has been preliminarily approved by the Chair of the Membership Committee, Lisa Sattenspiel ( but will be officially approved at the 2017 business meeting may register as members.
***The retiree rate is available to 1) former full or special members who upon full retirement have had their written request for dues reduction approved by the Secretary-Treasurer and 2) lifetime members who upon full retirement request of the Secretary-Treasurer and are approved in writing for reduced registration.
How To Pay: You have the option of paying online or by mailing a check or money order. Online payment will be handled by credit card transaction rather than through PayPal. The system will automatically prompt you for your necessary input. If you opt to pay by check or money order, remittance should be sent immediately to the address below and must be received by October 15th. IMPORTANT: Abstracts unaccompanied by payment by October 15th will be rejected.
If mailing a check/money order (made out to ‘AAPA’) for your registration fee send to:
AAPA – Headquarters c/o Burk Assoicates Inc.
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd.
Suite 402
McLean, VA 22101
If you are bringing a child to the meetings and would like a complimentary name tag for him/her, please e-mail the Secretary-Treasurer, Anne Grauer at
Receipts and Refunds: If your abstract is accepted and you cannot attend the meeting, your registration will be considered a donation to the AAPA. If your abstract is rejected and you do not plan to attend the meeting as a result, your pre-registration will be refunded upon request. You will be provided with a confirmation page at the end of your online submission and pre-registration. This will serve as your receipt. If you require an additional receipt or notification, please contact the Secretary-Treasurer, Anne Grauer (
Letters of Invitation and Certificates of Participation: International participants requiring official letters of invitation to obtain visas to enter the U.S. may email the Vice-President to request a letter. Electronic letters are provided without charge. Participants requiring hard copies will be charged the actual postage fee. Certificates of participation are not provided except on request. International participants requiring a certificate of participation must email Josh Snodgrass no later than March 1, 2017 at