2020 Annual Meeting Exhibitors
Thank you to the following exhibitors of the 89th Annual Meetings:

1713 Willox Court
Suite A
Fort Collins, CO 80525 USA
(970) 221-4044
France Casting specializes in only the finest quality skeletal replicas including age and sex determination standards, growth and development, pathology, and even fragments. We also distribute genuine fossil casts from the National Museums of Kenya. Excellent quality and customer satisfaction are guaranteed.

Bone Clones, Inc. manufactures detailed, high-quality osteological reproductions of skeletal elements. In addition to producing specimens exhibiting trauma and pathology, we have an extensive range of skulls and skeletons providing age, sex, and ancestry differences. Our durable replicas obviate the need for a dedicated teaching collection of real human remains.

Cambridge University Press
1 Liberty Plaza
New York, NY 10006 USA
(212) 337-5000
Cambridge University Press wishes all of our friends and colleagues across the world well during these challenging and changing times, and we’re sorry not to able to meet with you in person this Spring. With many people either at home or working reduced hours, we’ve drawn together a selection of free book chapters and journal articles for you to enjoy. You can also benefit from 30% discount on all the titles which would have been on display at the AAPA Annual Conference by adding discount 99486 at the checkout. All available until 14th May 2020.

11822 North Creek Pkwy N, Suite 107
Bothell, WA 98011 USA
(425) 481-8122
DirectAMS provides high precision radiocarbon dating services for applications in anthropology, geology, archaeology, and climate science. We process samples in a dedicated tracer-free facility, obtain dates using our own accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS), and are proud to offer the most affordable radiocarbon dating services in the industry.

Durham University, Department of Archaeology
South Road
Durham, DH1 3LE
United Kingdom
44(0) 191 334 1100
Archaeology at Durham – Archaeology has been taught and studied at Durham University since 1931 and we are the leading centre for bioarchaeological research with an unparalleled range of specialists. We offer access to internationally renowned scientific research laboratories in palaeopathology, DNA, conservation, isotopes, environmental archaeology, luminescence dating, and soil and bone chemistry. Anthropology at Durham – We’re passionate about teaching the next generation of anthropologists. We cover all the major subfields and carry out some of the most innovative research in contemporary anthropology. Here we not only offer social, evolutionary, biological and medical anthropology, but we are interested in how these sub-fields can be integrated and when they are pursuing quite different questions altogether.

Global Pasts: Archaeology, Heritage, People is a new open-access journal covering archaeology, anthropology and heritage studies in their widest perspective, emphasising the connection between various disciplines in order to better understand the human past. This includes both scientific and humanities-based approaches. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, and short communications and strongly encourages authors to make their data fully available. View the video that explains why you should submit your paper to the new open access journal Global Pasts!

Institute for Field Research
2999 Overland Ave.
Suite 103
Los Angeles, CA 90064 USA
(424) 209-1173
The Institute for Field Research offers immersive, hands-on field schools across the globe. Students receive research and methods training from principal investigators in the fields of Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Bioarchaeology, Anthropological Genomics, Primate Behavior, and more. Our programs are peer-reviewed for excellence in student learning and active research. 8 college semester credit units are awarded for completion of our full-length programs. Need and merit-based scholarships are available. Learn more and apply on our website.

Leakey Foundation, The
1003 B O’Reilly Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94129 USA
(415) 561-4646
The Leakey Foundation is a nonprofit organization that funds human origins research and shares discoveries. We were formed in 1968 with a mission to increase scientific research, education, and public understanding of human origins, evolution, behavior, and survival.

Micro Photonics
1550 Pond Road, Suite 110
Allentown, PA 18104 USA
(610) 366-7103
Nondestructive X-ray Micro-CT 3D Imaging: virtual fossil reconstruction; analyze microstructure of cells and tissues; study bone, tooth and biomaterial samples; imaging of mummies & research on early human health; and skeletal and dental micro-anatomical research.

NSF is an independent U.S. government agency responsible for promoting science and engineering through research programs and education projects. NSF is the funding source for approximately 24 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities.

All the World’s Primates shows you photographs or a drawing of every currently recognized taxon in the primate order with a synopsis of what is known about all 505 species. The information has been compiled by over 300 primatologists from around the world, who have done field research on their particular lemur, loris, galago, monkey, or ape in its natural habitat. The book illustrates these primates with more than 1500 photographs and provides more than 5000 references. You will be amazed by the diversity of the world’s primates, and it will inspire you to protect endangered primates and their habitats. Fifty percent of the profits from the sale of this book will be donated to organizations working for the conservation of primates.
The 50% discount includes shipping within the USA (Shipping to Canada is +$40. Overseas +60) and a free membership to Primate Conservation Inc’s All the World’s Primates Website (see book’s last page)
Please allow 2-3 weeks for the delivery of books. Shipping included in the United States only by The US Postal Service Media Mail. There will be an extra charge for faster service International orders. Please call 401 284-2597 or email pogonias_press@msn.com. If you are on a budget. The All the World’s Primates website alltheworldsprimates.org is updated annually and has more information, references, photos, video and audio. For a donation to PCI of $39.95 you will receive access for the life of the website. For a donation of $19.95 you can access the website for 5 months (one semester).

Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group
711 3rd Ave.
New York, NY 10017 USA
(561) 430-4815
Routledge is the world’s leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We publish thousands of books and journals each year, serving scholars, instructors, and professional communities worldwide

Turkana Basin Institute
Stony Brook University, 1 Circle Road
Stony Brook, NY 11794 USA
(631) 632-5800
Participants on TBl’s Origins Field School gain hands-on experience in survey methods, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, taphonomy, and more, and take field trips to important paleontological and archaeological sites, diverse ecological settings, and remarkable geological features throughout Kenya. Can be taken for undergrad or graduate credit to earn an Advanced Graduate Certificate.

University Press of Florida
2046 NE Waldo Road
Suite 2100
Gainesville, FL 32609 USA
(352) 392-1351
The University Press of Florida publishes award-winning titles in anthropology, archaeology, bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, paleopathology, physical anthropology, and zooarchaeology. UPF’s new journals program includes Bioarchaeology International and Forensic Anthropology. Both journals are now accepting submissions. Visit our virtual booth at upress.ufl.edu/AAPA20 and use code AAPA20 for deep discounts and free shipping on all orders.

University of Kent
School of Anthropology and Conservation
Marlowe Building
Canterbury, CT2 7NR, UK
The School of Anthropology and Conservation at the University of Kent has one of the UK’s largest group of Biological Anthropologists, with a sustained record of world-class research in human and primate behaviour, human evolution, forensic anthropology, and skeletal biology. We offer 2 innovative, one-year MSc courses, which combine both a taught and a research component, as well as an MSc undertaken purely by research.
MSc Biological Anthropology This taught Master’s places a strong emphasis on critical thinking and understanding of both the broad field of Biological Anthropology and the specialisms within. This innovative MSc allows you to focus your studies through one of two routes: The Human and Primate Behaviour route/The Human Evolutionary Anatomy route https://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/2707/biological-anthropology-msc
MSc Forensic Osteology and Field Recovery Methods This programme equips you with the ability to excavate and analyse human remains. Learn the practical skills needed to recover human remains in the field. Gain the theoretical knowledge needed to reconstruct biological profiles from hard tissue, supported by laboratory-based training. https://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/1231/forensic-osteology-and-field-recovery-methods
MSc By Research in Biological Anthropology You will have the opportunity to conduct an independent research project supervised by one of our internationally recognised Biological Anthropologists. Our interests stretch across the range of biological and evolutionary anthropology. We are actively recruiting new research students, and if you have an idea or topic you want to pursue, then we will help you develop your project. https://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/2707/biological-anthropology-msc

University of Sheffield
Department of Archaeology
Western Bank
Sheffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom
+44 114 222 2000
We are an international community of archaeologists, committed to exploring the past in order to benefit our future. Our cutting-edge approach to research draws upon the integrated strengths of the humanities, natural and physical sciences.

The oldest and largest publishing house owned wholly by its employees, W. W. Norton, Inc. publishes about 400 trade, college, and professional titles each year.

Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
655 Third Avenue, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10017 USA
(212) 683-5000
The Wenner-Gren Foundation has varied grant, fellowship, networking, conference and symposia programs. It publishes both Current Anthropology, and SAPIENS, an online magazine to popularize anthropology. The Foundation works to support all branches of anthropology and closely related disciplines concerned with human biological and cultural origins, development, and variation.

The American Journal of Physical Anthropology is the official journal of the AAPA. Started as a quarterly in 1918 by the AAPA’s founding organizer, Ales Hrdlicka, the AJPA is currently published monthly by John Wiley & Sons. It prints over a hundred original scientific papers each year, as well as the abstracts and proceedings from the AAPA’s annual meetings and other official AAPA documents and notices. To submit a manuscript online, authors can visit the Wiley site: AJPA Online Manuscript Submissions.
The Yearbook of Physical Anthropology is an annual journal of review articles that summarize and evaluate recent literature in topics of current interest to biological anthropologists. AAPA members can access the American Journal of Physical Anthropology and the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology here.