90th Annual Meeting, Virtual (2021)

From April 7-28, 2021 we held our first ever virtual conference!
The live portion of the meeting is over, but presentations and videos of the sessions are available on the Pathable website through May 31, 2021. For more info, visit the 90th annual meeting webpage or click below for shortcuts to important information:
- The Program
- Attending AAPA2021? Login invitations were sent from <no-reply@pathable.com> on April 5th.
- Intellectual Property & Social Media Policy
- Tweet with the #AAPA2021 hashtag
- 2021 American Journal of Physical Anthropology Abstract Volume
- Watch The Insider’s Guide to AAPA’s 2021 Virtual Conference
Our LIVE Annual Business Meeting was held on Wednesday April 14, 2021
Click here to review the Annual Reports & In Memorium
Click here to view the Annual Business Meeting Agenda
You can check out the format and Pathable virtual platform here
Share your experience on Twitter with the #AAPA2021 hashtag!
Meeting Highlights:
- Live events ran from April 7-28, 2021
- All presentations and videos of the scientific sessions and workshops are available on the Pathable platform through May 31, 2021.
- All scientific presentations were pre-recorded and available to view starting April 5, 2021. Sessioneres w a mix of poster and podium/video presentations clustered by research topic.
- Each scientific session included a live webinar with all presenters.
- Social events where you can casually connect with colleagues and friends were scheduled throughout the meeting.
- We gathered for receptions and award ceremonies to celebrate the great work of our members.
- The Annual Business Meeting will brought us together to note the year’s accomplishments, plan for the future, and vote on the proposed name change! (Spoiler alert: It passed!)
Important Dates
April 6, 2021:
- Drop-in “office hours” for session chairs & presenters to gain familiarity with the zoom webinar environment. See program or the Pathable site for times.
April 7, 2021:
- 12-2 pm (eastern) Plenary session: Include is a Verb: Act to Make Inclusion a Reality by Sherry Marts
- 2-4 …
Our Intellectual Property and Social Media Policies
AAPA’s Intellectual and Social Media Policies are available through this link. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Vice President and Program Chair, Leslea Hlusko.
Watch The Insider’s Guide to AAPA’s 2021 Virtual Conference from March 8th.
Watch The AAPA President’s Welcome Video.
Watch The Orientation to AAPA on the Pathable Platform Video.
Our conference’s live events will begin on April 7th and end on April 28th. Our aim for these three weeks …
Presenter Information
Please read through this detailed google doc for information about how to prepare and upload your presentation.
If you have trouble uploading your presentation, please submit a request for assistance using this Problem Report Form.
**PLEASE NOTE: All contributed sessions are a mix of podium (video) and poster presentations. …
Reports and in Memorium
Given the cancellation of the in-person association meeting, we are providing the membership with written reports of the 2020-2021 activities of AAPA Officers, Committees, and AAPA affiliates. The Editors-in-Chief of the AJPA and the Yearbook also provide reports.
We will also provide a report of members and friends of the …