2023 Business Meeting, Reports, and In Memoriam

American Association of Biological Anthropologists

92nd Annual Meeting, Reno Nevada

Business Meeting and Awards Presentations

6:30-8:30 PM, Tuscany A-B

Agenda for the 2023 Annual Business Meeting

Minutes of the 91st Annual Meeting in Denver are published as Proceedings in AJBA.

The following reports are shared in advance of the Business Meeting scheduled for April 21, 2023. These include written reports of the 2022-2023 activities of AABA Officers, Committees, and AABA affiliates, as well as reports from the Editors-in-Chief of the AJBA and the Yearbook. Officer reports will be presented at the Business Meeting.

Officer Reports

Editor Reports

Standing & Ad Hoc Committees, & Affiliates Reports (in alpha order)

In Memoriam

These reports will be compiled and published as part of the Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists in the American Journal of Biological Anthropology.