Postdoctoral Associate in Biological Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology at Boston University invites applications for a full-time, Postdoctoral Associate position in Biological Anthropology, commencing June 1, 2017, with the possibility of extension for up to 3 years. The position is funded by the National Science Foundation in a grant to Primary Investigator, Professor Cheryl Knott, on Orangutan Juvenile Development. The position entails both laboratory and field components and thus candidates should have demonstrated expertise and experience in both areas. The Postdoctoral Associate will be responsible for nutritional analysis of orangutan foods and fecal samples in the laboratory at Boston University as well as in the field. The position involves spending approximately half the time carrying out and supervising data collection at the field site in Gunung Palung National Park, Indonesia, on the island of Borneo, and residency in Boston during the remaining time. The candidate will work with a team of local field assistants, a field manager, students and volunteers. Opportunities also exist for carrying out endocrinological analysis and learning other techniques. All travel costs, as well as support for conference travel, are covered. Previous laboratory experience, primate field research experience and a Ph.D. in anthropology or nutrition at the time of appointment are required. Please send the following documents to Professor Cheryl Knott ( 1) a one page cover letter 2) curriculum vitae 3) names and contact information for three references 4) a 1-2 page statement of research experience relevant to this position. Interviews will be conducted at the American Association of Physical Anthropologists Meeting in New Orleans, April 19-22. Applications from women and underserved minorities are encouraged.