Tenure-Track/Tenured, Assistant/Associate Professors
McMaster University is pleased to announce a cohort hiring initiative of up to twelve appointments
of emerging and established academics and scholars who will contribute to the advancement of Black
academic excellence across all six McMaster Faculties. McMaster seeks candidates whose scholarship
and scholarly work forefronts or contributes to any of the following disciplinary or
interdisciplinary areas of teaching and research:
DeGroote School of Business: All areas of business with preference given to AI, Business Analytics,
Socially responsible investing; Social entrepreneurship; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion issues in
Faculty of Engineering: All areas of interest, please see www.eng.mcmaster.ca.
Faculty of Health Sciences: Areas of priority include computational genomics, bioinformatics and
immunometabolism; and clinical and/or population health research with a focus on understanding
access to screening and health services for chronic diseases among marginalized populations in
Canada and globally. We are also looking for an outstanding clinician who would focus on medical
education and help lead the Department of Medicine’s efforts to increase equity and diversity. The
latter is not a tenure-track position.
Faculty of Humanities: African Diaspora and/or Caribbean Literary or Cultural Studies; African and
Black Art; Post-Colonial Studies; Critical Race and/or Black Feminist Studies; Law as it relates to
race and racism; Linguistics: Syntax with an additional focus in morphology, semantics, and/or
Faculty of Science: All areas of Science, but with preference for Epidemiology of Racism (e.g.,
biological expression of racism, embodiment of racial inequality, racial inequities as social
determinants of health); Racial inequality within the environment (environmental racism), and
social and physical geography of racism.
Faculty of Social Science: Migration and Mobility; Racial Inequality within social institutions
(e.g., health care, education, criminal justice system) and its implications on determinants of
health and prosperity (e.g., physical and mental health, educational, labour market outcomes) and
to various stratified social stations (e.g., care work); Local and Global Development Economics,
trade, and globalization; race and its impact in health, labour, education; Critical Race Studies;
Post Colonial Studies.