Post-Doctoral Fellow

We are seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow to join our research group to work on a newly funded NIJ project (2020-DQ-BX-0025) to refine and manage a GIS application for building a nationally representative forensic taphonomy database. Applicants with a desire to drive research projects combining forensic science, taphonomy, and geospatial and environmental models with large data sets and that have experience in database management are encouraged to apply.

The objectives of this three-year project are to build a data repository for forensic casework collected by forensic practitioners. This research will utilize a spatially coded, GIS application to facilitate data collection. Forensic investigators working on a case will use the application to record basic scoring information on the state of decomposition, upload photos of the state of decomposition, and the GIS software records the location of the discovery. The application is available for use by investigators from across the country and internationally in order to develop a large reference sample that will be used to create improved models for determining PMI. Besides working with Dr. Katherine Weisensee, the postdoctoral fellow will have extensive opportunities to also work with faculty in the Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies, Advanced Computing and Data Science, and forensic science practitioners. Ideally, the candidate has experience in a related research area with enthusiasm for learning and using complementary methods to conduct research. Importantly, the individual should have excellent interpersonal skills, proficient organizational/management abilities, and the ability to conduct research projects independently.

Clemson University is an R-1, public land-grant institution with nearly 20,000 undergraduates and 5,000 graduate students, located near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with world-class outdoor recreation and convenient access to urban areas. The PI and the university are committed to providing mentorship that facilitates diverse career options going forward.

Duties and Responsibilities:
– conduct research relevant to the project’s mission,
– build partnerships with forensic practitioners to facilitate wide-scale data collection,
– collaborate with team members,
– provide mentorship, oversight, and instruction to the project and related staff (undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, faculty),
– effectively communicate research results to the lab, university, and scientific field.

Required Qualifications:
– PhD in a relevant field of study, individuals with expected graduation by Summer 2021 will be considered
– peer-reviewed publications or evidence of publication potential
– enthusiasm and drive to advance specified research areas

Preferred Qualifications:
– Broad knowledge and experience in database management and ArcGIS
– Solid understanding of forensic taphonomy
– Ability to multitask and shift project priorities as necessary
– Ability to work within a team and independently
– Ability to learn new methods related to the research project
– Excellent oral and written communication skills to effectively meet project commitments and deliverables
– Strong project management skills

Application Instructions:
Please submit a cover letter expressing interest in the position and relevant skills, a CV, and contact information for three references to Additional information about the project is available: For full consideration, please apply by January 15, 2021. The successful applicant should be available to begin in Spring 2021.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement:
Clemson University is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate against any person or group on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, pregnancy, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or genetic information. Clemson University is building a culturally diverse faculty and staff committed to working in a multicultural environment and encourages applications from minorities and women.