Tenure-track assistant or tenured associate professor of early hominin paleobiology or paleoecology

The University of Chicago's Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy in the Biological Sciences Division is searching for a tenure-track assistant or tenured associate professor of early hominin paleobiology or paleoecology to begin in autumn of 2021 or after. We welcome applicants with research programs in hominin evolution or paleoanthropology, broadly defined, focused on morphology, function, behavior, paleoecology, and/or related areas. The appointee will complement, expand and strengthen existing research on human evolution in the UChicago academic community.

The Department (https://pondside.uchicago.edu/oba/) is home to faculty and learners with wide-ranging interests in anatomy, behavior, biomechanics, development, genomics, neuroscience, paleontology, phylogenetics, physiology and organismal evolution. The University of Chicago is a vibrant center of scientific discovery and innovation, with outstanding colleagues and graduate students affiliated with numerous degree-granting programs, and abundant opportunities for multidisciplinary collaboration. The appointee will have access to state-of-the-art core facilities, competitive research space and start-up funding, with the potential for interactions across the Biological Sciences Division, as well as with programs in geosciences, genetics, and with our affiliates Argonne National Laboratory, Field Museum of Natural History, Lincoln Park Zoo, Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Botanic Garden, Morton Arboretum, and the Marine Biological Laboratory.

Applicants must have a doctoral or equivalent degree. To be considered, those interested must apply through the University of Chicago's Academic Recruitment job board, which uses Interfolio to accept applications: http://apply.interfolio.com/84627. Applicants must upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae with bibliography, research statement, a teaching statement that can describe experience in teaching diverse students [The University’s Diversity Statement can be found at https://provost.uchicago.edu/statements-diversity.], and contact information for 3 references. Review will begin 5/24/21 and continue until the position is filled.