IAST research fellowship

Each year IAST invites applications for post-doctoral Research Fellowships, which offer candidates an opportunity to devote themselves full time to their research at the start of their careers. Fellows are provided with office space, computer facilities and a contract for two years, renewable for a third year.

We welcome applications from researchers within a large range of disciplines including scientific anthropology.

We seek candidates with a strong research background in anthropology, but open to engage in interdisciplinary scientific activities. Successful applicants will have to demonstrate an interest in, and a commitment to, at least one of the other disciplines of IAST.

All research interests relevant to the broad study of human behavior are welcome. These interests include, to cite only a few:
• In anthropology: human biology, life history theory, human development and plasticity, health and infectious disease, aging, demography, host-parasite co-evolution, diet and nutrition, global health, evolutionary medicine and genomics.

What do we expect from our Research Fellows?

IAST is an institution that fosters communication between disciplines and interdisciplinary research. Being exposed to presentations and participating in discussions are key components of the process. Research Fellows are therefore expected to attend seminars and institutional social events, as well as the annual retreat.

Who is eligible?

Eligible applicants for 2022 must be active researchers who have or will have completed their PhD after December 2018 and before September 2022. Motivated applications will be considered from candidates whose PhDs were completed in 2018 or earlier; please explain your reasons in your cover letter.

How do I apply?

To apply for a Research Fellowship, please send your application by clicking on the link below:

https://www.iast.fr/postdoctoral-fellowship (deadline 15th November):

Each application should include (only in English):
– CV
– Cover Letter (this includes both your motivation for applying to IAST and your research statement)
– At least 2 writing samples (e.g. published peer-reviewed journal articles, working papers, book chapters)
– Contact information (i.e. name, title, email) of at least 3 references willing to provide a letter on your behalf. Note that your references will automatically receive an email notification from IAST once you submit your application (please ask them to check their spam folders just in case). The deadline for submitting recommendation letters is 30th November

NOTE: Initial recruitment committee decisions will not be made until roughly the end of January.